TOUR 2 – Istanbul Classic

TOUR 2 – Istanbul Classic ( Full Day Tour )

Istanbul Daily Tours
TOUR 2 – Istanbul Classic ( Half day Tour )

Combination of Tour 1 & Tour 2, including lunch.

Introduction to the city’s imperial history by driving around the Golden Horn and the great wall of Constantinople.

St.Sophia; The magnificent Byzantine Church; one of the finest architectural works in the world. It has been nomineted as the 8th wonder of the world by many historians.

Blue Mosque; One of the largest mosques in İstanbul dating from the 17th century it is one of the principal adornments on he skyline of İstanbul. Also famous for its blue tiles and 6 minarets.

Topkapı Palace; The former imperial residence from where the Great Ottoman Empire was ruled. Today a spectacular museum that has one of the largest collections of Chinese and Japanese porcelain

Hippodrome; The former center of sportive and political activities of Constantinople. During the visit you’ll be able to see the Obelisk from Egypt Serpentine Column from Delpli and fountain of Willhelm II.

Grand Bazaar; In addition to its historical importance, it’s a bazaar that will tempt even the nonshoppers with its rich collection of precious handmade carpets, jewellery, leather and souvenirs.